Welcome to Hill Cottage Retreat Centre

Hill Cottage Retreat Centre is located in the Marches of mid-Wales, near Knighton in Powys. Our aim is to create a tranquil space where individuals can reflect, be creative and interact with others and the environment in mutually beneficial ways.
Set in ten acres of land it includes an independent market garden, young orchard and woodland, natural swimming pond, gardens for contemplation and wildflower pastures bordered by a meandering brook.
Hill Cottage has offered a space for Buddhist retreats and practice since 2008. While this tradition continues here, we welcome individuals and groups from a broad spectrum of philosophies and professional disciplines to run workshops and retreats.
Our events are based on the concept of building a temporary community of interest and support for the duration of a retreat or workshop. This has worked equally well on discussion based or creative days as well as silent retreats.
Hill Cottage Retreat Centre is founded on the belief that it is important to work equally for the benefit of self and others, and that each of our individual actions can make a contribution in this time of global crisis.
Our approach at Hill Cottage has two main aspects. One follows the ‘middle way’ with a focus on simplicity and what constitutes ‘enough’. In practical terms this means we try to use resources mindfully, with a minimum of waste.
The other aspect is to share spaces we have created within the beautiful natural environment at Hill Cottage. Connecting with a peaceful, natural environment can help us rediscover our own unique path to well-being.
To uphold our ethos, the retreat centre is an alcohol (and any other intoxicant) free space. This is intended to support participants and retreatants maintain a clear focus on the work they have chosen to concentrate on during the retreats and workshops
Living in this simple way, we can share in a space to reflect, relax, be creative and playful, which we hope will contribute to the collective well-being of society.
We invite you to engage in this approach with us.